42 Piscine info


You need to get a Tourist Visa. Depending on the country you are coming from these can last different lengths. Most at least three months. 42 is not an accredited school so you can not get a student visa. People who stay longer than six months, usually go to a college for learning English that is accredited and get two stay for two years. They all speak english already, just do this to stay in country.

The first two days are Linux, the rest are coding in C. It is designed to make you fail... a lot! No one knows how they decide who gets in, but three things seem to be important. Do all the exams, spend at least 10-15 hours in lab every day, try to improve.

The best part of this place is the people you will meet.

Here are the Exam questons. There are four exams, one each friday.
Piscine Exam Questions

Here some of the Exam solutions. They are not all correct and sometimes the people who post these, put small mistakes on purpose; for people that are just copying. Regardless you can use them as a guide to get the idea.
Piscine Exam Solutions

Here are the pdfs that explain the assignments and the answers, only look at this if you want a head start. No one else will probably know about this, but by the 5th day people will start finding this info anyway.
jraleman Day Answers
If you go here day00 and click on resources, you will see: d00.en.pdf
This is the PDF for the assignment.
If you go back to choose day00: ex01 would be the answer for the first exercise. You should be able to find a pdf for each day.

Here is all the pdfs in one place in english. This place has everything but the rest are in French.
42 Subjects Binary Hackers

Here are some misc resources:
fpetras Day Answers
# Has a bunch of the Piscine answers and pdfs.

I would not worry about these yet, but this repo contains alot of the other Piscines and Projects for 42 Cadets (the students that pass piscine).
Other Projects

If you have any questions let me know.
